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Links and Articles (NOT Math)
Bored?  Read My Math Blog
My #1 Study Tip:
Distractions vs. the "Zone"
More Ideas for Improving Your Grades
Check Your Current Math Grade!
Standardized Tests (SAT, ACT, Regents)
Learning Research 
Learning "Trends" and Research
Math Education Articles
Books on Learning and Teaching
Favorite Quotes on Learning
Real Life Math, by Mr. Soni
My Top 10 Benefits of Learning Math
Math Articles & Blogs
Math Books For Leisure Reading
Which College Majors Require Math Skills?
Math and Careers: Who Uses This Stuff ?
Seeing Math in Real Life
Famous Mathematicians
About Current Courses
Math 4: Precalculus
Math 3: Algebra 2 / Trigonometry
Logic & Problem Solving
Computer Programming
After High School
Mr. Soni's Letter to Graduates
College Admissions:  Trends
Skill/trade vs. College?  Confused?
College: Math Placement Tests
Current Issues in Higher Education
The Reality of (Career) Success
Advice to Aspiring (Rock) Stars
Bio:  My Professional Journey
Funny Stuff
Why All Kids Should Learn Chess 
Study Skills

The lynchpin of my learning philosophy centers on "teaching a man to fish instead of giving a man a fish."  Esoteric mathematical skills aside, use this opportunity to push beyond your comfort zone and improve your ability to learn anything.  Please attempt every strategy at least once.  Yes, I actually want you to print my patronizing little chart, put it in your notebook, and check off each one after you do it once.  I think completing the grid within 2 weeks is reasonable.   (Yes, hide it from your friends so they don't laugh at you)  The goal here is to "nudge" and evolve your repertoire when reacting to a complex academic challenge.  Developing these habits will benefit the remainder of your academic career.

  1. Print out this chart
  2. Keep it in your notebook
  3. Try everything once.
  4. Hand it in to me.

Have you....
Participated at least once in a class period?
(Answering an easy question keeps you involved)
Asked the teacher to do another example, before moving ahead?  
(You're not the only one)
Asked to work at the blackboard during independent practice?  
(The teacher can give immediate assistance & feedback)
Been doing the homework consistently? 
(Math needs practice & reinforcement)
Tried phoning a classmate when stuck on a HW problem?
Tried redoing the classwork problems before a test?
(Simply reading over your notes is not as effective)
Gotten help at the "Math Lab" at school?  
(Help can come from a different Math teacher)
Moved your seat away from talkative friends?
Requested help after school or during a free period?
Requested an honors student peer tutor?



Time Management

 Study difficult or boring subjects first! ... while you are fresh.

 Use your "dead time" effectively. Ten minutes on the school bus or 5 minutes in the lunch line add up.

 Be aware of your best time of day.  For example, many people learn best in daylight hours. 

 Use a regular study area. When you use the same place to study day after day, your body and mind become trained. It will help you focus more quickly focus your efforts.
 Don’t get too comfortable. Easy chairs, a sofa, and your bed are dangerous places to study. If its too comfortable, your body may get the signal that it is time to sleep, rather than time to study.  Avoid noisy distractions. Don’t study in front of the TV. If you are really sure you study better with music (few people really do), make sure you select songs that won’t interfere with your concentration.

Bad at math? Worrying makes you even worse

Anxiety robs your brain of space it needs to compute complex problems

Copyright 2020 Sid Soni, All rights reserved.